Mandag 29 april: Gjensyn med Diego

Gjensyn med Diego!
Inngang kr. 150/200
Grunnteknikk for alle nivåer
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Vi starter opp 18:15. Kom gjerne kl 18 for oppvarming.

Sted: Kjelleren i Solvangkirken, Wergelands Vei 7, Tønsberg

Om Diego
Diego Roberto Denett, born in Buenos Aires, is an Argentine tango dancer & teacher.
He is known as a dedicated teacher who inspires people to dance, through technical skill, but also through transmission of his own enjoyment, happiness and beautiful energy in dancing.
After years of own studies of tango, he started a personal search for the elements he considers fundamental: “elegancia, caminata y la respiracitón” (elegance, walking and breathing) as a base for a deeper and more passionate communication, all in one safe and closed embrace “Corazón a Corazón “